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Private Limited Companies In India

Sl.No. Nature Compliance Consequenes
1 Alteration of Objects Clause:
Company formation document
“Memorandum of Association”
has an “Object Clause” which
defines the nature of business that
company undertakes. Before April
2014, a simple resolution with
consent of Board of Director
would have sufficed to undertake
any other business activity beyond
the coverage of main object
Now, with effect from 1st April 2014 all
such Companies who were/are carrying
of activities other than principal
business activities as mentioned in the
other objects are required to alter the
main objects and include such activities
If the provisions are not
complied, such business
activity shall be treated as
2 Displaying Company Identity
CIN on letter heads, invoices etc.
Section 12(3) (c) of the Act provides that
every company shall get its Name,
Address of its Registered Office and the
Corporate Identity Number (CIN) along
with telephone number, fax number, e- mail and website addresses if any
printed in all its business letters,
billheads, letter papers and in all its
notices and other official publications.
In case of any failure to quote
the CIN number, penalty of
Rs. 1,000 per day shall be
imposed on the defaulting
company and on every
officer in default for every
day during which the default
continues. Maximum penalty
imposable shall not exceed
Rs. 100,000/-
3 Deposits Taken from Public The Companies which have accepted
deposit from public were required to
report outstanding deposits, interest
thereon by filing a return with the office
of Registrar of Companies up to 30th
June 2014. These Companies have to
refund the outstanding deposit with
interest within a period of one year i.e.
on or before 31.3.2015
In case of default, penalty
can be Rs.1 Crore up to Rs.10

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